How do we Know True Saving Faith?

If we understand that belief is the flipside of a coin with “living faith” (as coined by Luther, no pun intended) on the face, then we understand the power of God to work in and through us. There is an inevitability for faith to produce the fruit of righteousness (James 2:14, 17)
A faith that is authentic is identifiable. First, there is convincing examination of its source and bible study that tells about the stuff it’s made of. Although it is possible to break this down into a process it is extremely important to realize that faith is much more than a straightforward idea that only reason is capable of producing. Therefore any work at obtaining “saving faith” becomes futile as one need only accept that which only God can give and which results in repentance (Acts 11:18; 2Tim 2:25).
Sometimes living faith takes time to develop, as with Peter’s denial of Christ, we pass through various trials until God’s faithfulness becomes apparent to us. By the conviction of men of God such as Peter and Paul we can get an idea of how real faith can be. (2 Pet 1:11; Heb 11:1) Theses are recognizable traits that true faith is reveled as we grow (2Pet 1:8). The bible shows how such qualities are built one upon the other in specific order as the result of saving faith: virtues, knowledge to discernment, self-control, perseverance to patience, Godliness to closeness, are love from God.
It should be obvious to true believers – with saving faith – how these seven qualities progressively interact with each other. Otherwise there would be overwhelming uncertainty that can keep one from experiencing God as a spiritual reality. On the other hand, when these qualities are on the increase we are not only assured of our spiritual adoption but reflect our faith in proportion the value of God’s glory (2 Pet 1:10, 11). Most importantly true faith has the spiritual mind set of Christ. (Rm. 8:5-8) This turns our personal will, thought and emotion into actions that have the desired and purposeful values of things incomprehensible to our eyes a certain and absolute part of reality.
The Five imperatives of Saving Faith
There are those that have yet to see God undeniably. Coming to saving faith we may note five specific elements that cannot be avoided and demonstrate themselves to confirm valid, authentication as the Holy Spirit convicts the heart of a nonbeliever.
1. Spiritual discernment becomes factual in terms of what is temporal vs. Eternal. You cannot see into the future so our hope causes us to turn to God’s word for assurance.
2. With true saving faith the seeking does not end at the moment of conversion (2 Chrn. 15:2 Azariah: he that hears the Lord;), it is important to understand that doing what is right follows as a consequence of God’s work in and trough us.
3. An intimate relationship with God develops and grows in a way where our perspective and emotions place the spiritual interest of God in the foreground of our existence. (Heb 11:5)
4. Boldness in stepping forward outside of our Human nature (v. 32-38) to share our faith regardless of consequences that may be imposed by other relationship and ultimately even to death.
5. Allows the ability to surpass our own expectations (v. 39-40) even at our last breath by providing evidence pleasing to God in connection with His promises.
True Saving Faith convinces us of the reality of God. It makes us sure of His control over our future and causes us to cling to His eternal promises even through adversity. This level of conviction goes’ beyond what we “know” about Christ to our trust in Him. You have to want Jesus. Opposition to Christ shows contentment for the condition you prefer to live in. So, let us pray for Holy Spirit to convict the heart toward knowing the sweet embrace only Jesus can provide.