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To quote an good oldie “thanks for the memories”.

The remembrance of the righteous is for a blessing, And the name of the wicked doth rot.” - Pro. 10:7

There’s a song that says “memories are like the shadows of our minds” As I think of it those shadows I see now how they have been brightened up by some really awesome blessings. One time I remember telling this brother how I had been praying to God for a sign of his blessing, and how the Lord made it clear to me that this brother was it! When the righteousness of God falls upon one of the disciples he gives me I count each one a blessing. But not everybody gets “it” so there behavior never changes. These ones are a dime a dozen and are rarely called to mind let alone whatever their name is.

Salvation Remembered

If you want to remember then it must be important

If you can’t remember then find out why

If it hurts to remember then sense what is real

If you love to remember then without doubt you believe

12 Powerful Words

Loved, believes Jn3.16

Gospel, power Rm1.16

Sinned, fallen Rm3.10, 23

Strength, demonstrated Rm5.6-8

Wages, gift Rm6.23

Confess, saved Rm10.9, 10

These words speak of unconditional love and the value of a secure life in JESUS. Thank God and read your bible daily.

Here are the five tools that help disciples to build their foundation in Christ. Among these is the idea of remembering. Listed above are key words that help us to connect salvation to six specific memory verses that will give us a clear understanding of what occurs at the moment we accept Jesus.

The bible describes what salvation is all about in our first memory verse John 3:16. If we think about it, everything comes down to love and belief. Love is believable; God is love, therefore God is believable.

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